


1.    E  Zhou, Chenggang Wang, Qinqin Zhao, Zhipeng Li, Minghui Shao*, Xiaolong Deng,Xiaojing Liu, Xijin Xu*, Facile synthesis of MoO2nanoparticles as high performance supercapacitor electrodes and photocatalysts,Ceramics International,2016,42(2),2198-2203.


2.    QinqinZhao, Dianxing Ju, Xiufeng Song, Xiaolong Deng, Meng Ding, Xijin Xu*, Haibo Zeng*, Polyhedral Zn2SnO4:Synthesis, Enhanced Gas Sensing and Photocatalytic Performance, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2016, 229, 627-634.28 June


3.    QinqinZhao, Xiaolong Deng*, Meng Ding, Jinzhao Huang, Dianxing Ju, Xijin Xu,* Synthesis of hollow cubic Zn2SnO4sub-microstructures with enhanced photocatalytic performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 671, 328-333.  


4.    ChenggangWang, E. Zhou, Xiaolong Deng*, Minghui Shao, Jinzhao Huang, Xianqi Wei, and XijinXu*, Three-Dimensionally Porous NiCo2O4Nanoneedle Arrays for High Performance Supercapacitor, Science of Advanced Materials, 2016,8, 1298-1304. Volume 8, Number 6, June 2016, pp.1298-1304(7)


5.     E Zhou, Chenggang Wang, Meng Ding, Minghui Shao, Jinzhao Huang, XiaojingLiu, Zhipeng Li, and Xijin Xu,Mesoporous MoO2 grown on carbon fiberas flexible supercapacitor electrodes, Science of Advanced Materials, 2016,8, 1263-1267.   Volume8, Number 6, June 2016, pp. 1263-1267(5)


6.     LishaMa, Qiang Zhang, Qinqin Zhao, Zhipeng Li, Changjian Ji, and Xijin Xu*,Synthesis and Characterization of Bi2Te3/Te SuperlatticeNanowire Arrays, Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016,16, 1207-1210.

7.    EZhou, Chenggang Wang, Xiaolong Deng, Xijin Xu*, Ag nanoparticlesanchored NiO/GO composites for enhanced capacitive performance, Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 12644–12650.


8.    WeidongHe, Wenjin Yang, Chenggang Wang, Xiaolong Deng, Baodan Liu and Xijin Xu, Morphology-controlledsyntheses of α-MnO2 for electrochemical energy storage, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2016,18, 15235-15243 Received 19 Apr 2016, Accepted 09 May 2016 Firstpublished online 10 May 2016


9.     ShouweiZhang, Qiaohui Fan, Huihui Gao, Yongshun Huang, Xia Liu, Jiaxing Li*, XijinXu*, Xiangke Wang*, Formation of Fe3O4@MnO2ball-in-ball hollow spheres as a high performance catalyst for enhancedcatalytic performances, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2016,4, 1414-1422.

This article is part of themed collection: 2016 Journal of MaterialsChemistry A HOT Papers


Highly-cited ESI paper

10.  Shouwei Zhang, Huihui Gao, Xia Liu, Yong-ShunHuang, Xijin Xu, Njud S. Alharbi, Tasawar Hayat, and Jia-Xing Li, Hybrid 0D-2Dnanoheterostructures: in-situ growth of amorphous silver silicates dots ong-C3N4 nanosheets for full spectrum photocatalysis,

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11.   NannanYao, Jinzhao Huang(corresponding author), Ke Fu, Xiaolong Deng, Meng Ding,Shouwei Zhang, Xijin Xu*, Lin Li. Reduced interfacial recombination indye-sensitized solar cells assisted with NiO:Eu3+,Tb3+ coated TiO2 film. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:31123.


12.  Ke Fu, Jinzhao Huang(corresponding author), Nannan Yao, Xiaolong Deng, XijinXu*, Lin Li, Hybrid nanostructure of TiO2 nanorod arrays/Cu2Owith a CH3NH3PbI3 interlayer for enhancedphotocatalytic activity and photoelectrochemical performance, RSC Advances,2016, 2016, 6(62): 57695-57700.


13.  Xiaolong Deng, Chenggang Wang, E. Zhou,Jinzhao Huang, Minghui Shao, Xianqi Wei, Xiaojing Liu, Meng Ding* and XijinXu*, One-Step Solvothermal Method to Prepare Ag/Cu2O CompositeWith Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties, NanoscaleResearch Letters,2016, 11, 29. http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/11/1/29

14.  Nannan Yao, Jinzhao Huang*, Ke Fu, Xiaolong Deng,Meng Ding, Shouwei Zhang and Xijin Xu*, Improvingthe photovoltaic performance of dye sensitized solar cells based on ahierarchical structure with up/down converters, RSC Advances, 2016, 6,11880-11887. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/ra/c5ra24647d#!divAbstract

15.  Nannan Yao, Jinzhao Huang*, Ke Fu, Xiaolong Deng,Meng Ding, XijinXu*, Rare earth ion doped phosphors for dye-sensitized solarcells applications, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(21): 17546-17559.

16.  Xin Sun, XiaojingLiu,* XiaolongDeng and XijinXu*,Synthesis of Zn-doped In2O3 nano sphere architectures as a triethylaminegas sensor and photocatalytic properties, RSCAdvances, 2016, 6(92):89847-89854


17.  Ke Fu, Jinzhao Huang*, Nannan Yao, Xijin Xu*, Mingzhi Wei, Enhanced photocatalyticactivity based on composite structure with down-conversion material andgraphene, Industrial & EngineeringChemistry Research, 2016, 55 (6), 1559-1565.


18.  Meng Ding, Nannan Yao, Chenggang Wang, JinzhaoHuang, Minghui Shao, Shouwei Zhang, Ping Li, Xiaolong Deng* and Xijin Xu*, ZnO@CdS Core-Shell Heterostructures:Fabrication, Enhanced Photocatalytic, and Photoelectrochemical Performance, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, 11, 205. (18 April 2016)


19.  Jinzhao Huang, Ke Fu, Nannan Yao,Xiaolong Deng, Meng Ding, Minghui Shao, XijinXu, Mingzhi Wei, Enhanced photocatalytic performance using one dimensionalordered TiO2 nanorods modified by graphene oxide, Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16: 1477-1482.

20.  N. Guo,Y. L. Wang, X. Q. Wei*, Y. X. Yu, M. Ding, X. J. Xu*, Effects of Mg-contents and substrate parameters onstructure and optical properties of Mg-doped ZnO nanorods fabricated byhydrothermal method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials inElectronics,July 2016, Volume 27, Issue 7, pp 6665–6672

21. Y. L. Wang, X. Q. Wei,N. Guo, X. L. Deng, X. J. Xu*, Synthesis and characterization of Cd-dopedZnMn2O4 microspheres as supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,


Cite this article as: Wang, Y.L., Wei, X.Q., Guo, N. et al. J Mater Sci:Mater Electron (2016). doi:10.1007/s10854-016-5649-0

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